National Cereal Recall

The Food and Drug Administration says 23 people in 14 states have contracted Salmonella from eating certain cereals.

Malt-O-Meal is recalling its unsweetened Puff Rice and unsweetened Puff Wheat cereals, with expiration labels dating from April, 8th 2008 until March, 18th 2009.

The company says it came across a product that tested positive for the Salmonella bacteria. They're doing this simply as a precaution.

"If you have a product like this at home we'd like you to bring it back to the store where you purchased it, and get a full refund with our apologies and our thanks," said Jon Austin, Spokesman for Malt-O-Meal.

Austin says Malt-O-Meal has asked all stores to take these cereals off the shelves. The company is doing some more testing of the products.

They say they're not sure when these products will be back out on the market.
